Home Inspections, Inc.
Additional Testing
In addition to the Home Inspection that meets ASHI and the applicable State Standards, Centurion offers additional testing services that are outside the scope of a visual home inspection. All testing is provided as a premium service and/or by indendent companies that are specialists in their respective field and at addtional cost, except where noted. See below for a list of our current offerings. If you require something special, please contact our office.

Water Testing
There are many types of testing that can be performed on drinking (potable) water, from simple bacteria testing all the way up to Advanced Environmental scans. The typical client choses our Standard Scan, which meets FHA & VA requirements and includes the following:
Total coliform bacteria, E.coli, lead, sodium, potassium, copper, iron, zinc, manganese, magnesium, calcium, arsenic, pH, turbidity, color, odor, conductivity, total dissolved solids (TDS), sediment, alkalinity, chlorine, chloride, hardness, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, sulfate, zinc.
When scheduling your inspection, be sure to inquire about all the options that are available or click HERE for the full list.
Please note that in Westchester County, NY, the SELLER must perform a mandated water test. You can, however, perform your own test(s) in addition to what the County mandates, as the mandated test does not cover all the options available. (See what the mandated test covers HERE.)

Neighborhood Environmental Report
Centurion Home Inspections is proud to partner with Environmetal Data Resources in providing a Neighborhood Environmetal Report (NER) with each and every inspection that we perform at no additional cost.
The NER will show you the locations of:
Leaking tanks (e.g., gas stations)
Spills (e.g., dry cleaners)
Residential oil spills
Clandestine drug labs (34,000+ known in the U.S.)
Superfund sites (about 1,300 in the U.S.)
Click HERE for a sample report
Radon can enter you home directly from cracks in the foundation and through well water. Radon present in well water is typically released into the atmosphere as soon as it comes out of the tap. High levels of radon in water can lead to areas where the localized concentration may be much higher than the average, such as in the bathroom while taking a shower.
Many things affect the Radon level in your new home, such as location of the house, type of construction (basement/crawl space or slab), quality of construction (cracks in basement) and presence of a radon mitigation system.
We offer tests for both Radon in air and Radon in water that will offer a snapshot of the Radon levels at the time of the inspection. Regardless of the readings, long-term testing (3-6 months) for Radon is air is recommended to understand what the long-term avarage is.
As readings can also vary with time, water testing is also recommended every 1-2 years.

Open Septic Testing
A septic system in good working order is a "must have" for any home that has on-site waste disposal. As just about everything with a septic system is buried, a full evaluation is beyond the scope of a visual home inspection.
For those cases where the client requires an open tank septic inspection be performed, we have teamed with several companies that specialize in this.
We will provide you with the appropriate contact information depending on where the house is located and you will make arrangements directly with the third-party Septic Inspector.

Aerial Drone Inspections Now Available!
Centurion Home Inspections is now offering Drone Inspections of roofs and other tall structures that are not easily or safely accessible from the ground using a ladder. The drone is a state of the art DJI Phantom 3 Advanced that is capable of shooting full HD video and capturing 12 megapixel photographs.
This will be a premium, add-on service as it goes well above and beyond the scope of a visual home inspection of readily accessible components. This service is only be available to clients who book inspections through the Connecticut office. Please visit this page often to check for updates and soon to be posted Terms & Conditions for inspections that will utilize the drone.
We now also offer aerial photography/videography as a separate service, independent of home inspections. If you have any questions concerning the use of the drone for a project, please email us at drone-services@centurion-inspections.com